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想在找工作的时候引起别人的注意?  被选中参加面试?  获得工作或实习机会?   Then take steps to prepare by utilizing the resources available to you through Argyros School Career Services. We offer the following services 和 resources to help you prepare 和 succeed.


These are unprecedented times for the job 和 internship market but the team at Argyros Career Services is here to help you navigate the resources available to create a successful job search strategy in this new environment. 下面是我们整理的一些资源. 除了, the career counseling team is available to meet with you virtually to discuss your individual career goals. 我们期待着支持您!



  • Covintern gets you connected with remote internships at top startups 和 companies. The benefit: remote internships mean you could be in ANY location 和 still be in consideration.
  • 遵循 @Hiring2020 on Twitter for an update on Summer 2020 internships available.
  • 请查看 启动论坛 to determine which companies are hiring interns.
  • GitHub论坛 will give you intel on various organizations' internship status 和 help you find companies that are moving to remote options.
  • Looking for available internships in the US 和 open to the idea of being abroad once things get back to normal? CollegeFam有董事会 我们实习国际实习.






The Groups that will likely be most valuable to you are those related to your industry, your job function 和 your (current or desired) geography. If you can find a combo group that hits both your industry 和 your geography (e.g., Portl和 会计 和 Finance Professionals), this is where you’re going to get the most value.


  1. 参与讨论
    Benefit: You may meet valuable people in your area or industry 和 you can position yourself as someone who is passionate, 对你的领域有渊博的知识和投入.

  2. 发布你自己的问题或分享内容
    Benefit: Another great way to br和 yourself as someone who knows her stuff 和 likes what she does. You can imagine that people who hate their chosen field or aren’t very good at what they do are not spending much time “talking shop” in industry-specific LinkedIn Groups, 正确的?

  3. Check out 工作 Specific to Your Field Within the Group
    Benefit: You may find the perfect job that isn’t widely advertised elsewhere—和 even have an in with the recruiter or hiring manager (remember all those discussions you’ve been starting?).

  4. 联络(和联系)小组成员
    Benefit: 其他 than the obvious benefit of knowing that person, by approaching through the shared group affiliation, you seem less like a cold call 和更多的 like “one of my people.”




握手 offers students access to our employer partners, 独家招聘和实习岗位, the opportunity to create a professional profile to be included in resume books, in addition to serving as a one-stop-shop for students to make appointments, 注册事件, 和 keep track of their career development activities.

  • 学生登录
    • 使用您的澳门威尼斯人app下载凭据登录
最有名的是其有影响力的排名, ratings 和 reviews on thous和s of top employers 和 hundreds of internship programs. 另外, it is a valuable tool to research background information 和 access guidebooks about companies, 学校, 实习和行业. It also includes an exclusive job board, career advice blog, articles 和更多的.

Additional online job 和 internship resources include:


*Note: Always be cautious when reviewing opportunities online job boards


Not sure what to with your Argyros大学 major after you graduate?  看看我们的习俗吧 职业探索页面 to learn about potential career paths for your major.


请浏览 第一手的网站 where you have access to thous和s of professionals who have worked for companies like Boston Consulting Group, 德勤, 谷歌, IBM, 和更多的!

这 platform lets you connect with experienced professionals from industries 和 companies you're interested in. 他们的顾问可以 评价你的简历 或者简历,给你一份 模拟面试 或者只是非正式的 职业生涯的谈话. It's the help you need to l和 your dream job, from those who’ve been there before you.

Best of all, it's free to you as students in the 阿吉罗斯商学院 和 经济学!


阿吉罗斯学院很高兴为您提供 杰出的人, a mock video interviewing platform, to help improve your interviewing skills. 访问他们的网站 和 log in with your University credentials, then follow the steps to create your 杰出的人 account.


贝克曼大厅305找我们. Make a 正确的 off of the staircase on the 3rd floor.

办公时间:早上8点.m.–5 p.m., M–F

10 a.m.–12 p.m., M–F

9:30 a.m.-12 p.m., 1:30-4:30 p.m.、星期一、星期四
(在每学期的前两周, drop-in hours are available M-F during the above hours)

位置 & 联系信息

(714) 532-6077